.|SWEET|...:White Chocolate Taint:...|SIN|.
i understand the fascination, the dream that comes alive at night...
Parents shouldn't have children if they don't want them to grow up.
Rawr-rawr. I'm bored. Again. I'm sitting here, at work, checking to make sure my boss is still on the phone, and avoiding having to run around all four floors of the building to post up silly posters and crap. Joy of joys. I still think we should do the play about the murder, all of the other ones suck except for the 'here we are' one, and that one only has two characters. Unless satan REALLY wants to play the BEAR. X3 NO EATING BUNNIES.
Doop Doop. Back to work.
Doop doop. Oops, nubstick hath finished his freaking character finally, but oh wait, we still ve to wait for Charlie. Dammie. X3 Blargh. I'm so bored. RAWR.
OMG. So apparently I'm supposed to spend my vacations off the computer, cleaning my room, and never leaving the goddamn house. Fuck you, I'll sleep in as long as I want to, and play GunBound as long as I want to, because ffs, tuesday is when everything goes right back down the drain. I had one week to keep myself sane. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! o.<;
You're the one who's always
- choking trojan -
You're the one who's always
- bruised and broken -
Drunk on immorality
Valium and cherry wine
Coke and ecstasy
You're gonna blow your mind...