.|SWEET|...:White Chocolate Taint:...|SIN|.

+        i understand the fascination, the dream that comes alive at night...        +

It's kind of amusing how all of my posts that I say I'll "update" or "work on tomorrow" or "finish when I'm more awake" are all... still unfinished. :P

And YOU. You know who you are. You jerk. Stop reading my fucking blog. It's not written for you, and it CERTAINLY isn't YOUR place to go blabbing to other people about the things I write in here, so just shove the fuck off. I'm moving my blog address again, so just... go sit in a corner and suck on your thumb. I don't care what the hell you do, just don't do it around me, and don't involve anything of mine in it, you nosy little fuck.


You're the one who's always
- choking trojan -
You're the one who's always
- bruised and broken -
Drunk on immorality
Valium and cherry wine
Coke and ecstasy
You're gonna blow your mind...